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Wise guys and gals



Elder Abuse

Financial Abuse


November 99 Newsletter

Wise Guys and Gals have had a very busy and productive year. The highlight was the Murder Mystery Dinner in March as a fund raiser for the Woodstock Senior Centre for the decorations in the hall, that transformed it into an Hawaiian Paradise, and for promoting the dinner. We are already planning the 3rd annual dinner for 1998. We would be willing to do the same for any worthy cause as a fund raiser. We ask only to be fed. We are happy to "act" for our dinner.

We have 6 more performances before we "break" for the summer. Our players also play ball, and practice starts soon. We will be doing our informational theatre in Ingersoll, Stratford, Simcoe, Woodstock and Princeton.

We would welcome any additional players. Anyone who is of a free spirit and willing to have a really good time while providing information and laughter to their communities is welcome to contact any one of the group.

Wise Guys and Gals was established as a way to communicate issues and topics to a wide audience. We felt it was more productive to use laughter to discuss community issues that deal primarily with seniors than a lecture type format. We have done little vignettes on topics as diverse as accidents in the home to elder abuse. We endeavor to use laughter as a means to make the point of the topic, but some topics just aren't funny, and we treat them with the seriousness that is their due.

We are a volunteer group and take no pay for our time. We do however, accept free will donations from the sponsoring groups for ongoing expenses, i.e. gas, printing. We provide tee shirts and caps to all members. Our initial funding was provided by OSAC and since then we have been self-sufficient, and have been able to provide small funding to other groups in need of funds. i.e. Postage, Printing

Anyone who is interested in having us perform for their group, or wanting to come out to a "practice" can contact any member of the group. We meet every Thursday at 1:30 I can guarantee if you come to a "practice" you will laugh and see just how much fun we have, while providing a service to our community.

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