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Each Volunteer contributes in a different way and it is very important that the Chapter is made up of members who will work as a team. We would ask that all Volunteers observe the following Volunteer Standards as an official CHILD FIND Volunteer.

Smiley Face A minimum of 4 hours monthly is required to maintain your Volunteer status. {This doesn't mean that we count minutes, but we really need to rely on an ongoing commitment so "the same old Volunteers" are not doing all of the activities.}If your Volunteer status changes, simply tell us and we'll keep you busy if you have more time, or make a notation in your file that you are temporarily occupied and cannot volunteer for a given period, whatever the case may be. If you find that you are not able to attend an activity that you have volunteered for Please contact the respective Committee Coordinator with as much notice as possible.

Smiley Face Each Volunteer is required to sign a confidentiality agreement as part of the application process. It is important to remind all Volunteers that they may be exposed to sensitive information which must not be repeated or used.

Smiley Face Image is paramount in any business or organization. The same rules apply when attending an event or function as an Official CHILD FIND representative, such as: being punctual, being prepared and being professional.

Smiley Face All Volunteers subscribe to the code of Ethics of carrying out their Volunteer duties honestly, with integrity and humanity. A Volunteer is not permitted to use their position with the organization to make any "unofficial statements" or to gain direct material benefit resulting from such association.

Smiley Face Volunteers who have not been briefed or authorized must not engage in media (newspaper, radio, TV) interviews. A designated and approved CHILD FIND Chapter spokesperson should be available if press is expected at an event.

Smiley Face Any costs incurred by the Volunteer in carrying out his or her duties are, unless otherwise previously approved, borne by the Volunteer. The event organizers usually provide members with beverages and sometimes a snack, however, you should inquire so you can prepare accordingly.

Get involved and make use of all of the opportunities discussed here. Your Chapter needs your support and commitment.
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