(1) Oxford Self Help Network provides, free of charge, space, support and training to new and existing self help groups. Most groups have a mental health issue as their focus.

(2) Oxford Self Help Network staff are available to provide peer support to individuals on a one to one basis.

(3) There are social opportunities at Oxford Self Help Network such as bingo, craft class, card games and seasonal events such as Chili Day in March.

(4) Information is available on various mental health issues from the lending library. Books, videos, DVD's books on tape and a computer with internet access are available.


Peer Support Anytime

Are you in need of a listening ear? Here at OSHN, we provide peer support to those of you who just need someone to talk to.

Appointments are not necessary - just stop by during office hours and someone will be glad to spend time with you.

We are open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

Narcotics Anonymous
Mondays @ 6pm,
Tuesday @ 7pm (except the 2nd Tues of the month),
Thursdays @ 8:30pm and Saturday @ 8am.

Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 31,000 weekly meetings in over 100 countries worldwide.

Groups are open to new members. Call the office at 421-2980 for more information.

Schizophrenia Support Group
Monday 4-5pm

Schizophrenia can be a frightening disease that causes some disturbances in thinking, feeling and relating to others. This support group provides an opportunity for fellowship and friendship with others who have had difficulties with this illness.

Mood Disorder Support Group
Wednesday 7-9pm

This is a peer support/educational group for anyone with depression or bipolar disorder. Our time is divided between these 2 components with the educational component depending on the group's needs and desires.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ingersoll Mental Health Support Group
Thursday 1:30 pm

We are a special group as we have peer support for any mental health disorder. Come out and get the support you need. On occasions, our group has educational nights and even movie nights, depending on what the group wants and needs.

Meetings held at the Annex of First Baptist Church, 235 Thames St., Ingersoll.

554 Princess St.
Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 4H1
(519) 421-2980